Open Workshops

We host three streams of workshops making our learning open to all: Scriptural Reasoning, Dialogues with Difference, and Practical Reconciliation.

These regular, interactive training sessions are hosted by our team of expert facilitators, theologians, and peacebuilding practitioners. They are designed to boost your capability as a reconciler, enabling you to develop and deepen the skills, tools, and habits of reconciliation.

You might choose to join a workshop for your own growth, or to share what you learn with your community and beyond. 

Check out the next available dates below!

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Practical Reconciliation

Run by our expert team of facilitators, these workshops will focus on equipping you to practically bring reconciliation to your contexts and communities.

In 2023, they are:

  • Getting People in the Room: Talking Peace
  • Creating the Room: Holding Space for Difference and Difficult Conversations
  • Running the Room: Facilitating a Reconciliation Workshop
  • The Multiplier Effect: Case Studies, Hopes, and Challenges from the Network

Scriptural Reasoning

Meet others across different faith traditions as we engage with texts from the Hebrew Bible, New Testament and Qur'an on the theme of our Habit of the month.

Join us on any second Wednesday of the month, as we explore Sciptures together.

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Dialogue with Difference

It is in dialogue that we have the opportunity not only to encounter others, but to encounter ourselves in new ways.

Join us every first Tuesday of the month for an introduction and immersion into the Habit of the Month, and to explore the practical application of the Habits in dialogue with others from across the network and globe.